Most would describe me as a career-focused, hard working person who loves a challenge and a good laugh. To add, I would say that the driving force in my life is potential. My biggest pet peeve is seeing myself or the people I love, play small because it is the easiest option. 

I have enjoyed a dynamic career in executive marketing and consulting, primarily within the beauty industry. At the age of 48, I decided leave corporate and officially launch my coaching practice.

I hold a BA in Psychology from York University, an MSc in Leadership & Organizational Development, and a Graduate Certificate in Professional & Executive Coaching, both from The University of Texas at Dallas. 

My biggest pleasure in life is having the opportunity to witness the very moment when a client connects to her potential and realizes she can achieve ANYTHING she wants. It is 100% why I do what I do.


I am obsessed with my doggo. She is my ride or die.


My ADHD noticeably kicks in at 3pm. While math is not wise, it's the best time to create!


My TV streaming choices reveal that I am a total nerd.


It took a major life event for me to realize how far my life had gone off course. It all became crushingly real when my marriage ended.

I had turned into a people-pleasing, fragment of who I once was and I was living a life that was completely disconnected to what I had envisioned for myself.

I was caught in a cycle of over-working, over-eating, and constant self-shaming because the life I was living wasn't mine. I couldn't see what was happening, until I was forced to face the truth.

As excruciating as my divorce was, I believe it was exactly what was needed. It helped me to make an essential decision; I could either continue to define my life by other people's needs and expectations, or I could rediscover who I truly was and create a new future for myself. 

Fast forward three years later, I have navigated two residential moves, a career change, a breast cancer scare, a flood, and a host of unexpected challenges. Obstacles that would have left the old me in a heap on the floor.

Instead, I am thriving and I owe this to taking great care in building a foundational sense of self that supports all of my intentions.

My old habits of shaming, beating myself up, and letting myself down are no longer a part of my new life.

Today, I welcome challenge, change, and growth with enthusiasm because I am consistently developing and honoring who I am becoming. 

It is a relief to finally trust that I am making the right decisions for myself, even when they might be wrong. 

It is a sense of freedom that I never knew was possible, and a path that I am dedicated to sharing with women just like me.

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